Children’s & youth discipleship ministry

Vacation Bible School - PROOF Pirates!

June 24 - June 28, 6:00PM - 8:30PM

For children who have completed K-5th grades!

We hope you’ll make plans to join us for VBS as we find the treasure of God’s amazing grace by exploring the doctrines of grace using the popular PROOF acronym with the book of Ephesians (God’s grace is Planned, Resurrecting, Outrageous, Overcoming, and Forever) so kids know that it is not their performance that makes them right with God!

Registration coming soon!

Super Summer Singin’ Funner!

July 15 - July 19, 8:30AM - 3:30PM (Music Camp)

July 20, 5:00PM (Performance and Family Pizza Party)

For children who have completed 1st-5th grades.

It’s not a fantasy land reached through the wardrobe in a spare room, but ancient Babylon, reached through a new virtual-reality game! Join the clue-solving kids as the Biblical story literally - or virtually - comes to life with Daniel in a den of lions, the Hebrew boys in a fiery furnace (where their robes weren’t even scorched - just “warmed”!), and some mysterious handwriting on the wall. Cool songs, with fun and funny dialog help bring to life this chronicle of faith in the one true God who delivers, and point to the ultimate deliverer - Jesus Christ! Go from virtual reality to ultimate reality, with The Lions, the Switch, and the Warm Robes!

We hope you’ll join us for this weeklong music camp with a final performance displaying the week’s work on Saturday! Beginning at 8:30 each morning we’ll work on learning a musical and each afternoon we’ll have an activity lined up. Finally on Saturday we’ll share the hard work of the week with family and friends in our performance of The Lions, the Switch, and the Warm Robes! …followed by a family pizza party!

More details including pricing information and registration coming soon!

CDM & YDM Weekly Delivery: Wednesdays, 6:30 PM 

CDM Classes are available for Pre-K through 6th grade.

YDM Class is available for grades 7 and up.

The CDM ministry exists for the same purpose as ALL other ministries do within the church, to make disciples of Christ. 

Our 3 main objectives are:

  1. To teach our children core biblical truths.

  2. To equip the parents of our children to be the primary disciplers in the lives of their children.

  3. To prepare our children to be healthy church members.

*During the months of June, July and August our CDM & YDM ministries will not meet in person.

CDM Videos, including sign language & song can be found on our YouTube channel: OVC YouTube Channel

Printable activities can be found below.