Hello OVCers and Friends,
We trust that your time of prayer and fasting during this "Identity" series season is and remains enriching! While we are in a fast, we still are going to afford a time of fellowship and food toward the end of the Identity series. We hope this is not a conflict for you.
On September 26th, the last Sunday of our Identity series we will have an OVC fellowship meal. We will worship together on that Sunday morning at our usual time. Then we will return to the Y at 4pm for a low country boil and a time of fellowship. We will have a meal together at 4. Then we will play volleyball (for those who desire to), cornhole, or just sit around and catch up - whatever you are up for!
Remember that the low country boil includes shrimp. Hopefully no one has a shrimp allergy. But if you do or you just don't like them you can bring your favorite dish and/or dessert! We will also provide water to drink. This would be a great opportunity to invite a friend or a neighbor to join you!
Please click the "What to Bring" icon in the invite link below to note what you will be contributing to our meal. Please remember to include your guests in your RSVP number so we can make sure we have plenty for everyone!
We look forward to our time together!